General things to consider
- Egg availability is subject to demand. Number of eggs available from an individual donor cycle, number of reservations for a particular donor and donor withdrawal from the program can all effect donor egg availability.
- Overseas donors are unavailable in Victoria due to state regulations. If you are based in Victoria and are interested in reserving an overseas donor egg, please contact our friendly staff to know what your options are.
- Patients who are not local to our QLD, NSW, or WA clinics but wanting to access donor eggs in these locations, please contact us for more information on what your options are.
- Embryos created with Eeve Donor Bank that need to be exported to another facility will incur a service charge.
- Repeat patients may re-order the same donor at any time, pending availability.
- Local donated eggs. Eeve operates an active Egg Donor Program with Egg Donors Australia and City Fertility, to provide individuals or couples who do not produce eggs, or cannot use the eggs they produce, with the opportunity to build a family. Egg Donors Australia recruits local Australian egg donors aged between 18-32 years of age. Donors are altruistic, counselled, screened for medical and genetic conditions and comply with Australian Federal and State legislation. To read more things you should consider when choosing a donor from Egg Donors Australia, click here.
- Overseas donated eggs from The World Egg and Sperm Bank. Eeve has a partnership with The World Egg and Sperm Bank (TWESB) to provide fresh and frozen eggs for recipients. TWESB donors on Eeve are 18-32 years of age, altruistic, counselled, fully screened and compliant with relevant Australian Federal and State legislation. To read more about things to consider when choosing a donor from The World Egg and Sperm Bank, click here.
- Overseas donated eggs from Genesis International. Eeve has partnered with Genesis International Egg and Sperm Centre, a specialist in providing donor eggs with Asian ancestry, to provide fresh* eggs for recipients. Genesis International donors on Eeve are 18-32 years of age, altruistic, counselled, fully screened and compliant with relevant Australian Federal and State legislation, To read more about things to consider when choosing a donor from Genesis International, click here. *Eggs can be frozen and transported to Australia.
- Overseas donated eggs from Manor Medical. EEVE has partnered with Manor Medical to provide Ukraine and Georgian Frozen donor eggs for recipients. Manor Medical’s donors on EEVE are 18-32 years of age, altruistic, counselled, fully screened and compliant with relevant Australian Federal and State legislation. To read more about things to consider when choosing a donor from Manor Medical, click here.
Local donated eggs from Egg Donors Australia (EDA)
Eeve operates an active Egg Donor Program in partnership with Egg Donors Australia and City Fertility. Here is what you need to know when choosing eggs from Egg Donors Australia (EDA):
Egg Donors Australia recruits local Australian egg donors aged between 18-32 years of age. Donors are altruistic, counselled, screened for medical and genetic conditions and comply with Australian Federal and State legislation.
- Not all EDA egg donors have had full extended genetic screening. From the 1st of September 2019 the Myriad extended carrier genetic screening panel was introduced for all new donors. Information regarding the Myriad test is available upon request. Recipients are required to have Myriad extended genetic testing.
- EDA Egg availability is subject to location; you may be required to travel interstate to use your preferred donor as not all donors are eligible for interstate transfer.
- EDA offers banked, frozen eggs. Frozen eggs are immediately available and can be shipped to any City Fertility laboratory in Australia (subject to state import/export legislation). Six frozen eggs are provided to the recipient.
- Egg Donors Australia also offers fresh donated eggs. Fresh donors are available 1-4 months after reservation due to preparations required and completion of an IVF cycle. After a recipient has selected a fresh EDA donor, arrangements are made for the donor’s IVF cycle to commence. Six fresh eggs are provided to the recipient for fertilisation. If the recipient is not local to the clinic where the donor is cycling, the recipient’s choice of sperm (partner or donor) is shipped to the donor’s local City Fertility laboratory ready for fertilisation of the fresh eggs. If the clinic is local to the recipient, the partner will produce a sperm sample at the clinic on a prescribed date, ready for fertilisation of the eggs.
For more information, visit
Overseas donated eggs from The World Egg Bank (TWEB)
Eeve has partnered with The World Egg and Sperm Bank (TWESB ) to provide fresh and frozen eggs for recipients. TWESB donors offered on Eeve are 18-32 years of age, altruistic, counselled, screened for medical and genetic conditions and comply with relevant Australian Federal and State legislation. Here is what you need to know when choosing overseas donated eggs from The World Egg and Sperm Bank:
- You will be contacted by The World Egg and Sperm Bank after your egg reservation form is received. TWESB requires a contract to be signed and payment to be made prior to them allocating a donor. To learn more about the process of overseas donated eggs from The World Egg and Sperm Bank, click here.
- Information regarding guarantees that may be offered to recipients when using TWESB eggs can be found here.
- The World Egg and Sperm Bank refreshes their donor database every 24 hours. You may need to receive a confirmation from The World Egg and Sperm Bank to ensure your donor has been successfully reserved. Should your preferred donor be unavailable, our Central Donor Team will assist you find other suitable donors.
- Not all egg donors have had full extended genetic screening. From the 1st of May 2020 the Myraid extended genetic panel was introduced for new donors. Information regarding the Myraid test is available upon request. Recipients of TWESB eggs are required to have Myraid extended genetic testing.
- Egg availability is subject to location; you may be required to travel interstate to use your preferred donor as not all donors are eligible for import into all Australian states and territories.
- If you are not located in QLD, NSW or WA but you would like to use TWESB eggs, please contact us for more information on what your options are.
- Donor eggs are subject to donor availability and recipient demand. A successful egg donation cycle cannot be guaranteed. An egg donor’s cycle may be cancelled for reasons out of City Fertility’s Eeve Donor Bank’s control. TWESB will offer other donor options if this happens, at no cost to the recipient.
- The World Egg and Sperm Bank offers frozen donor eggs. Immediately available in this option, the donor has already been screened, stimulated, and eggs retrieved and frozen. Recipients select eggs, The World Egg and Sperm Bank ships the eggs to the City Fertility laboratory for warming, fertilisation and transfer. Six frozen eggs are offered and after warming, fertilisation and culture, the development of at least one day-three embryo is guaranteed.
- The World Egg and Sperm Bank also offers fresh donor eggs. Fresh donors are available 1-4 months after reservation due to preparations required and completion of an IVF cycle. After a recipient has selected a donor, The World Egg and Sperm Bank completes the donor’s workup (counselling, screening, consenting) and then the donor commences stimulation for the cycle. The recipient’s choice of sperm (partner or donor) is transported to The World Egg and Sperm Bank so the fresh eggs can be fertilized immediately after egg collection. Embryos created from this cycle are frozen and shipped to the City Fertility laboratory. Six fresh eggs are provided for fertilisation and The World Egg and Sperm Bank guarantees the development of at least 2 blastocyst embryos.
For more information, visit
Overseas donated eggs from Genesis International
- Genesis International guarantees that the warmed eggs from each cohort will result in at least one Day 5-7 Blastocyst of at least BC in grade or equivalent embryo for 15 package 1 and at least two Day 5-7 Blastocyst of at least BC in grade or equivalent embryos for package 2.
- For the one off guarantee, the semen used for fertilization must be obtained by ejaculation, and not through surgical extraction TESA, PESA, MESA etc. A semen analysis must be performed within 1 year of the signed contract and must show >1 million total motile sperm and sperm morphology >3%.
- Genesis International does not offer refunds for a change of mind.
- The Donor packages, the price, and the guarantee are subject to changes which will be updated on the Genesis International website. (
- Genesis International acknowledges that the recipient contract document is between the Recipient and Genesis International. City Fertility is not liable for the terms of that document.
- City Fertility is not liable for the terms of that document.
- The price for Donor Egg package 1 and package 2 is listed on Genesis International Egg and Sperm Centre website at
- Genesis International will invoice the Recipient directly for Eggs and ship them to City Fertility for storage
- Genesis International will confirm that the Donated Gametes can be utilised in QLD, NSW or WA (not available in any other state/territory)
For more information, visit