Who can be an egg donor?
Through our dedicated egg donor program – Egg Donors Australia (EDA), we welcome those of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds to become egg donors.
Donors are required to meet several eligibility criteria to be able to register their interest to become an egg donor. Once they meet all of the criteria, they are then able to proceed with the process of donation.
Interested in donating eggs?
By becoming an egg donor you will be part of an exceptional group of people who have decided to assist others in achieving their dreams of having a family.
Individuals may donate if they meet the following criteria
- Be between 18-32 years of age. Please note that the specialist reserves the right to decide the suitable age of the egg donor. However, no egg donor will be accepted for clinic-recruited donation over the age of 32.
- Must have a permanent address and be contactable for a follow-up screening. You must be able to provide three identifiers and proof of permanent address, e.g. driver’s licence, photo id and passport.
- You are fit and healthy with no personal history of illness – physical, mental or physiological – which may be inherited.
- You have no family history of genetic disorders.
- You are eligible for full Medicare benefits in Australia.
- Please note that those who are adopted or donor-conceived cannot donate unless genetic family history is available.
Individuals are not eligible to donate if in the past 12 months they have
- had sexual activity with any person known to have been exposed to HIV,
- engaged in sexual activity with a sex worker,
- been a sex worker (eg: received payment for sex in money, gifts etc.),
- used an injectable non-prescription drug,
- had a blood/body fluid splash in your eyes, mouth, nose or broken skin with someone you might think would have been exposed to any of the issues mentioned above,
- had a blood transfusion,
- been imprisoned
- been a smoker (must have been smoke free for 12 months)
Individuals who have had any of the following treatments cannot donate
- clotting factors for clotting disorders (Factor VIII or Factor IX),
- transplant or graft (organ, corneas, dura mater, bone etc.),
- human growth hormone derived from human pituitary gland or human pituitary derived graft material
Individuals who have tested positive for any of the following tests cannot donate
- HIV,
- Hepatitis B,
- Hepatitis C,
- HTLV 1 and 2
Marital status
- If married or in a de facto relationship, the husband/partner must consent to the donation.
- Ideally, you have completed your own family.
Donation requirements are listed on The World Egg and Sperm bank, Manor Medical, and Genesis International Egg and Sperm Centre.
Things to consider
- Egg availability is subject to demand. Number of eggs available from an individual donor cycle, number of reservations for a particular donor and donor withdrawal from the program can all effect donor egg availability.
- Overseas donors are unavailable in Victoria due to state regulations. If you are based in Victoria and are interested in reserving an overseas donor egg, please contact our friendly staff to know what your options are.
- Patients who are not local to our QLD or NSW clinics but wanting to access donor eggs in these locations, please contact us for more information on what your options are.
- Embryos created with Eeve Donor Bank that need to be exported to another facility will incur a service charge.
- Repeat patients may re-order the same donor at any time, pending availability.
- Local donated eggs. Eeve operates an active Egg Donor Program with Egg Donors Australia and City Fertility, to provide individuals or couples who do not produce eggs, or cannot use the eggs they produce, with the opportunity to build a family. Egg Donors Australia recruits local Australian egg donors aged between 18-32 years of age. Donors are altruistic, counselled, screened for medical and genetic conditions and comply with Australian Federal and State legislation. To read more things you should consider when choosing a donor from Egg Donors Australia, click here.
- Overseas donated eggs from The World Egg and Sperm Bank. Eeve has a partnership with The World Egg and Sperm Bank (TWESB) to provide fresh and frozen eggs for recipients. TWESB donors on Eeve are 18-32 years of age, altruistic, counselled, fully screened and compliant with relevant Australian Federal and State legislation. To read more about things to consider when choosing a donor from The World Egg and Sperm Bank, click here.
- Overseas donated eggs from Genesis International. Eeve has partnered with Genesis International Egg and Sperm Centre, a specialist in providing donor eggs with Asian ancestry, to provide fresh* eggs for recipients. Genesis International donors on Eeve are 18-32 years of age, altruistic, counselled, fully screened and compliant with relevant Australian Federal and State legislation, To read more about things to consider when choosing a donor from Genesis International, click here. *Eggs can be frozen and transported to Australia.